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you would need to catch a " port already in use " error ( then maybe loop back to your connecting code to try a different port )

to test for an open / used port you could do something along these lines...

           Dim ip As System.Net.IPHostEntry = System.Net.Dns.GetHostByName(System.Net.Dns.GetHostName())
           Dim ipaddy As Net.IPAddress = ip.AddressList(0)
           Dim ep As New Net.IPEndPoint(ipaddy, 80)
           Dim listner As New Net.Sockets.TcpListener(ep)

       Catch ex As SocketException
           If ex.ErrorCode = 10048 Then '/// error number for Port already in use.
               MessageBox.Show("The port you attempted to connect to is already in use!")
               MessageBox.Show(ex.ErrorCode & "   " & ex.Message)
           End If
       End Try

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