WSE 2.0 security issues


Oct 21, 2003
I am trying to secure a web service and I chose to go the wse route (if there is a better/easier way I'm up for it).
I am using wse2.0sp3 and I am trying to verify user identity by using SOAP headers. The default is , of course, to validate against Active Directory but that is senseless. If you have a web service your user are probably not going to have windows accounts on your web server right?
Anyway, you can override this by creating your own instance of the UsernameTokenManager class, which I have done. And I set up the wse configurations on the client and server code. But I cannot get the frickin thing to work. It keeps telling me that the conifugration couldn't get my token manager up and running so all requests get denied.

I pulled my code right from the wse sample on the MSDN website. I can get their sample to work but it's winapp-to-web service and I want to web service.

Does anyone have an idea of what it is I could be doing wrong? I can post much code and all error messages if someone out there is having this issue or had it. I'm also open to other ways to lock this web service down.

Thanks all.