Writing a secure asp.net page


Jul 1, 2004
I am interested in building a secure asp.net site. And I have written the asp.net page to login with the correct username and password. It works fine. Trouble is if you typed in the direct url to the page I am securing you can still access it. How would I keep anyone from doing that? I have a folder that is named file1, which hold the html pages that I need secure. and the project folder is named login. And the url is http://no-one.org/Login/login.aspx when you go to that page you get the login page, you login and proceed to the contents of the file1 folder which would be http://no-one.org/file1/index.html.
How do I make it redirect anyone back to the login page? Is cookies to be used for that? If so can someone explain? I have done the examples that I have found on the net for a secure login page, I guess I'm just not understanding it well. Would someone please help me? Thanks for your time.
