Would this actually work? How do you make it so extra pages are generated?


Junior Contributor
Jan 25, 2003
Sydney, Australia
Ok please refer to the Paint Mockup.

The Blue Rectangles represennt for example a particular entry, like e.g.

It's a Web Control that holds Some text fields and a image box, this would be customer Web Control, Now the question here is, Notice the Green area, that's where the contents will be displayed, now that area is like a table, now what i want to know is first of how would populate that table with the custom Web Control, and grab the data from a DB in insert it into the Web Control.

That's my first question, second one is, notice in the screenshot i put, 1,2,3,4,5,6 >

That's like how some website have other pages of the same items. How would i do that? Like say limit each page to have only 5 of those Blue Items and then force it to create a new one and re-populate another 5.

Does anyone understand what i'm trying to get at?

Thanks Heaps!


  • untitled.GIF
    13.3 KB · Views: 19
From what I am seeing, this seems likes a webcontrl or usercontrol that takes in a dataset and populates itself. Is there more that I am not getting?