Working with other programmers on a project


Mar 26, 2004
Hi all,

Have a slight bit of a problem that we can't seem to solve. Ok, am going developing a project with another programmer. The project must be left on a network server at work, and all the project files must be stored in Visual Source Safe. Now the server that we are working on cannot be accessed from an external location i.e. via the web or dial in.

Now, we went off and created a Solution file for the project and set its location for the network drive, we then created a new folder in the solution folder for the project, turned it into a virtual directory and added a new project to out solution calling it the same as the folder we created in the solution folder.

Ok, all of the above will work if you create it on your own machine and C drive, but when we tryed to run the project we got a error with inheriting the global.aspx file.

Any suggestions on how to overcome this problem.

I work in an environment where all of our programmers work on the same project as well, but using SourceGear Vault instead of SourceSafe. However, I think the same will apply in your case (hopefully). Here's how we set things up to each program the "same" application:

  • Create the application solution on the server, and add a new project to that solution all within VS.NET
  • Once the solution and project have been created/added, under the File menu of VS.NET, select "Source Control" and "Add Solution to Source Control". I believe this will add the solution and its project(s) to Source Control all at once.
  • (Now that the solution and project are a part of source control, you can now use source control to create local "copies" of the project.) On your local machine, select "File...New...Blank Solution" from the VS.NET main menu, and specify a name and location for your new local solution. Once that's done, in the Solution Explorer you should see that new solution listed, with no projects underneath it.
  • Now select "File...Source Control...Add Project from Source Control" from the VS.NET main menu. (This next part I'm not sure exactly how it'll look since we're using 2 different configuration manager software types...) I believe here you will have to choose the folder that corresponds to the main solution you added to Source Control from the server machine, and probably specify a "working folder" which will equate to a folder on c:\inetpub\wwwroot\ that will correspond to your local copy of the application.
    [*} Once you specify the above, SourceSafe should begin adding all files and the project to your local solution. Once that's done, each time you make a change to an existing page in the project, you'll have to check it out and then check it back in when finished. In the case of adding/deleting new pages, files, etc., you'll have to check the entire project file out, add/delete the desired stuff, and then check it back in. All the while, SourceSafe should keep a history of the previous copies of each item.

Hope this helps and that I didn't oversimplify it, or tell you something you already knew. Good luck with it!

(Note: I think my company chose SourceGear Vault as opposed to SourceSafe b/c of possible issues with SourceSafe working with .NET 2002 - not sure about other versions of .NET... just thought I'd mention that...)

Best regards!
Daspoo said:
I work in an environment where all of our programmers work on the same project as well, but using SourceGear Vault instead of SourceSafe. However, I think the same will apply in your case (hopefully). Here's how we set things up to each program the "same" application:

  • Create the application solution on the server, and add a new project to that solution all within VS.NET
  • Once the solution and project have been created/added, under the File menu of VS.NET, select "Source Control" and "Add Solution to Source Control". I believe this will add the solution and its project(s) to Source Control all at once.
  • (Now that the solution and project are a part of source control, you can now use source control to create local "copies" of the project.) On your local machine, select "File...New...Blank Solution" from the VS.NET main menu, and specify a name and location for your new local solution. Once that's done, in the Solution Explorer you should see that new solution listed, with no projects underneath it.
  • Now select "File...Source Control...Add Project from Source Control" from the VS.NET main menu. (This next part I'm not sure exactly how it'll look since we're using 2 different configuration manager software types...) I believe here you will have to choose the folder that corresponds to the main solution you added to Source Control from the server machine, and probably specify a "working folder" which will equate to a folder on c:\inetpub\wwwroot\ that will correspond to your local copy of the application.
    [*} Once you specify the above, SourceSafe should begin adding all files and the project to your local solution. Once that's done, each time you make a change to an existing page in the project, you'll have to check it out and then check it back in when finished. In the case of adding/deleting new pages, files, etc., you'll have to check the entire project file out, add/delete the desired stuff, and then check it back in. All the while, SourceSafe should keep a history of the previous copies of each item.

Hope this helps and that I didn't oversimplify it, or tell you something you already knew. Good luck with it!

(Note: I think my company chose SourceGear Vault as opposed to SourceSafe b/c of possible issues with SourceSafe working with .NET 2002 - not sure about other versions of .NET... just thought I'd mention that...)

Best regards!

Hi Daspoo

Thanks for the reply. Have a couple of questions, Do i have to install visual and iis on my server to create the solution and project files, or can I somehow create the solution and project files from my local machine and point to a folder location on the network?

The former option you mentioned is how things have been set up for us - both VS.NET 2002 and IIS 5.0 are installed and configured on the server, where the "running copy" of each application is stored (i.e., when developers/managers wish to run the applications, they point the browser to that server and the respective application names). I'm not entirely sure I understand the latter approach you mentioned. Just keep in mind that in order to run the application from a network location or server or wherever, that machine will need IIS.

Hope this helps! :cool: