Working with a textbox on a webpage


Nov 27, 2003
I am trying to design a program where you enter in some text on my form and click a button called Start. When you click start it needs to then put what is in the textbox on my form into a textbox in a webpage that i have open.

The way I thought of doing this is when i click on start i have a delay where i move the cursor to the target textbox on the webpage and then store the coordinates of the cursor and somehow simulate a mouse click at that position and then paste whats on my form into that textbox and send the enter key. But this seems to be harder than i thought.. so far all i have been able to get are the mouse coordinates of the target box on the webpage.

any help on how to do this or an easier way to accomplish this would be really great, thanks
Dream.In.Code has a policy by which we prefer to see a good faith effort on your part before providing source code for homework assignments. Please post the code you have written in an effort to resolve the problem, and our members would be happy to provide some guidance. Be sure to include a description of any errors you are encountering as well.
sorry, but its not a homework assignment.. i was just making it because I wanted to and I was able to figure it out, not the most efficient way im sure but I got it to work.
Do you need to actually interact with the webpage or the results or could you not just do a direct post to the target url and read the response via something like the WebClient class?
Not really a fan off Rubicashrama's message...

Anyway, how did you get this to work? I don't have a need to do it, but it is something I would not have thought possible. I'd just like to see an example of how you did this.
sorry, but its not a homework assignment.. i was just making it because I wanted to and I was able to figure it out, not the most efficient way im sure but I got it to work.