windowsapplication1.vshost.exe- application error after 15 mins


Jan 10, 2008
windowsapplication1.vshost.exe- application error

the instruction at "0x67f5d899" referenced memory at "0x00000004". the memory
could not be "read".click OK to terminate the program

-this error is coming after 15mins of running my program
- i am using modi ocr tool in a do....loop
-i application is designed in
- i have also checked my ram for errors.
-average cpu usage is abt 50 %
what can be the reason for this problem.....
i am not able to get as to where the problem is because the application is terminated after 15 mins.
i u require i can give u the coding.
A lot of thanks! good day
If you have a debug build running you can always attach a debugger once the application has crashed - this could indicate where the problem is occuring.

The fact it looks like a memory access violation though would indicate the problem lies outside of .Net itself so I would look at the MODI ActiveX component as a possible source. Are you reusing the component in the loop or creating and destroying it each time the loop executes? Does it crash doing anything in particular or is it just based on the uptime?
i have cought the problem
in my project properties the debug section there are three options in enable debugers:
-enable unmanaged code debugging
-enable sql server debugging
-enable the visual studio hosting process
if i enable 2nd or 3rd option the program works fine but hangs exactly at 12th minute.
if i enable 1st option then the program never stops but it works very slow...
i think there is problem related to debugging process..
how can i do this that my application runs normally wiout stoping after 12 mins

If you build a release version you can still generate debug symbols to help. When it crashes if the PC has Visual Studio (or other registered debugger) you should be prompted to debug on a crash - do so and at the very least you will get a stack trace that can identify the source of the problem.