Windows2003 "masking" errors


Mar 8, 2004
We moved our ASP.Net app to Windows2003. There are no custom error pages done in this app so users always get the ASP.Net actual errors...

Anyway, with 2003..users get a generic "run time" error instead of the actual error. So it's hard to tell where/why the error is happening..

We have customError in webconfig to "off". We also had it to "on" but makes no difference..

is there a security setting somewhere we could set to display the actuall error msg and not the generic "run time"?
This isn't new to 2003:

Go to IIS - Right Click on the Web Site and go to Properties.
Go to the Home Directory Tab and click on Configuration.
On the AppDebugging Tab you can tell it to send a generic message or the error details.