Windows Form Title Bar(formborderstyle=none) Problem


Dec 30, 2004
Hello guys,
I have developed a splash screen (startup screen) in my application by setting the FormBorderStyle property to 'None' and Docking the image to 'Fill' the entire form.In Windows Xp (only) Title bar of the form appears some times. Almost 10/100 attempts, although the form stlyle is borderless, but why this title bar appears only the few times.

*Note: this title bar does not comes up every time , but at very few times.
Anbody who has faced this problem or can help me out of this issue, will be highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance
A.R. Qureshi
Let me see if I got it... tho you have set the form's border to none sometimes it appears?

What do you do? Do you show the splash and run something on background, the splash is only for decoration... what?

Alex :p
Actually I Load the splash screen (Startup screen) and sleeps it for few seconds afterwhich I show the Main Application form.
I don't know how you make the app sleep... however, add this line of code before you run that sleep code:

Visual Basic:
