Windows copy animation


Oct 31, 2003
Does anyone know how to use the Windows copy animation in .NET?

It was pretty easy in VB6. Just place an animation control on a from, set a couple properties and you're in business. What could be easier?

I can't find much information on the .NET way of doing it. Any help would be appreciated.
Maybe have an image list with your frames of animation and use a picturebox with a timer that changes the images.
Not very helpful, but this is the best suggestion I can come up with off the top of my head. You could try to find some kind of animation control that can play GIFs or AVIs without visible controls. I believe that the file copy animation is an AVI found in a Windows directory (at least, it was last time I checked, but that was Windows 95).
Thanks for the reply marble eater. I found my answer on another forum. Here it is in case you're interested.

"Those dialogues are built into VB 2005. Use the methods of the My.Computer.FileSystem object and it will display progress dialogues for you, as though you were drag and dropping in Windows Explorer."

My.Computer.FileSystem.CopyFile("c:\0000\MyFile.txt", "c:\temp\MyFile.txt" ,UIOption.AllDialogs)
It might be worthwhile to try to disassemble this library and see how it achieves the animation (at least, for those of use who use C#), but that depends on whether or not it is actually kosher to disassemble DotNet libraries.