windows application


Nov 5, 2003
I have created a windowsapplication in VS. I want to put the file on the server and provide a link in the site. I want the users to download the application and run it. In what format should i save the file on the server so that the users could run the application even though they dont have the Visual Studio installed. How should i go about doing this.


You should probably compress the applications folder to save server space and download time (zip is the most common). Users dont need installed they only need the runtimes.
thankx for the reply shazbots... i have put the exe file windowsapplications.exe on the server and created a link to it on the site. When i downloaded the exe file onto system that has VS, then its working fine. but when I download and try to run the exe file on a system that doesnt have VS, then it says it couldnt initialize properly. i am not sure wats the problem.


Shazbots said:

You should probably compress the applications folder to save server space and download time (zip is the most common). Users dont need installed they only need the runtimes.
pothuri said:
oh so theres no way i could achieve that..... thanx for giving the infomation....

All You Need To Do Is Tell The Users To Download The Net Framework Free From Microsoft or you can download the redistributable version of the framework and package it with your application. The only downside is that the Redistributable is around 27 megs or something like that but if compressed, maybe you could knock it down a few megs. The only other way you could allow users to run your vb apps is if you created a bootstrap installer that would install the framework or needed assemblies for your apps. If you want the link to download the redistrubutable framework, you can download it here

Microsoft DotNet Framework Redistributable

Good Luck
I dont know what you used for creating the setup, but Installshield has the option to check during the installation if the .net framework is installed. If it isn't it will download the framework at that moment. That gives you still a small installation (.net framework isn't included), but it checks for the .net framework and installs it when needed to prevent problems.
thanx guys..... installing the dotnet framework helped solve my problem.

Wile said:
I dont know what you used for creating the setup, but Installshield has the option to check during the installation if the .net framework is installed. If it isn't it will download the framework at that moment. That gives you still a small installation (.net framework isn't included), but it checks for the .net framework and installs it when needed to prevent problems.