Wierd WebBrowser Problem


Nov 8, 2005
Wierd WebBrowser Problem in Mdi Application

Someone please help me because I'm at my wits end. I'm developing a Windows MID Form application in VB.NET. Currently I'm working on a new version of the application (converting windows form app to an MDI app). The application includes an AxWebBrowser control which I use to Navigate2 a file (and it works great in the previous version which was not an MDI app). I'm trying to port the code to the new version; however, the WebBrowser control is not working. The form shows up, the WebBrowser is blank (wait cursor indicates the WebBrowser is working), and the form border is screwy.

I figure it must be a reference or import problem, but I've been unable to track down the cause. Does this sound familiar to anyone? Anyone got a complete list of all references needed to use the AxWebBrowser control? Anyone got ideas as to how I might track down this problem?
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Problem is with Mdi Child form

Ok I'm still trying to find a solution, so I created a simple test project with just one form to see what references might be needed. Low and behold the WebBrowser worked the first time out. So I modified the project to be an Mdi application, and the webbrowser control was placed on an mdi child form. Poof it didn't work . . . same problem as described above. For some damn reason the AxWebBrowser control doesn't want to work on an Mdi Child form. Anyone know a solution to this problem?
JLSEsq said:
Ok I'm still trying to find a solution, so I created a simple test project with just one form to see what references might be needed. Low and behold the WebBrowser worked the first time out. So I modified the project to be an Mdi application, and the webbrowser control was placed on an mdi child form. Poof it didn't work . . . same problem as described above. For some damn reason the AxWebBrowser control doesn't want to work on an Mdi Child form. Anyone know a solution to this problem?
1.1 C# works in override of OnLoad - Vb override of OnLoad doesn't work
you can work ariound it by overriding on activate, setting a flag to prevent renavigating on subsequent activations

Or use .NET 2.0 WebBrowser Control - works in both C# and VB