Why "is a" Undefined


Junior Contributor
Apr 7, 2002
Let's say i have a class that is derived from PropertyDescriptor

public class MyProp : PropertyDescriptor
    //implement all abstract methods      

why would something like the following return an undefined value or need to be cast
in the first place since MyProp "is a" PropertyDescriptor and PropertyDescriptorCollections contains a collection of PropertyDescriptors
public class SomeClass
        private int id=0;
        private string customer="";
        public SomeClass()
              foreach(PropertyDescriptor p in TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(this.GetType()))
                       //MyProp mP = p;//this won't compile type conversion
                         MyProp mP = p;//mp is undefined
                         PropertyDescriptor prD = p//this works

        public int ID{get{return id;}set{id=value;}}
        public string Customer{get{return customer;}set{customer=value;}}


if MyProp is a PropertyDescriptor how can this be happening. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The "is a" only works one way round, i.e. MyProp is a PropertyDescriptor but there no guarentee than a PropertyDescriptor is a MyProp.

In other words you can always safetly assign a MyProp object to a variable of type PropertyDescriptor because that is always going to be a safe assignment, there is no way the compiler can verify that the reverse conversion will be true - hence the cast is required.

try using
foreach(PropertyDescriptor p in TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(this.GetType()))
MyProp mP =(MyProp)  p;
The TypeDescriptor.GetProperties function probably returns multiple PropertyDescriptors - not all of them are of type MyProp though.

You will need to check the type of each p before casting to a MyProp variable.
thanks for the reply. figured it out. the answer was in your first reply i just needed to think on it a little more.