Why can't i see the events in C++?


Jul 25, 2005
Hello Everybody!

I was trying to write some code for datagrid events and when i found about the DataGrid->CurrentCellChanged event in C# and VB examples.
I went back to do the same in C++ but i couldn't find the event on the popup list. :mad:
Why some events like this : DataGrid->CurrentCellChanged aren't visible when i press the "->" symbol in C++ , WHILE in C# and VB the event is shown when i type the "." symbol after the DataGrid object???

Am i doing something wrong or forgetting something or is it just like this???

I managed to do what i wanted thanks to the search through the forum but I am curious to find out why this happens!
Anyway the forum really helps me a lot. it 's really a GREAT FORUM congratulations to everybody involved!! :cool: