which textfield was updated?


Mar 8, 2004
I have a datagrid with 5 Updateble textfields on it.

Right now, this is what I do:

When user updates ONE field, in the code behind, I take ALL 5 fields and do an update because I can't tell which text field they chose to update

This is what I want to do...

Somehow figure out which fields were chosen and build my update based on those fields only...

Any thoughts?
eramgarden said:
I have a datagrid with 5 Updateble textfields on it.

Right now, this is what I do:

When user updates ONE field, in the code behind, I take ALL 5 fields and do an update because I can't tell which text field they chose to update

This is what I want to do...

Somehow figure out which fields were chosen and build my update based on those fields only...

Any thoughts?

Robby just gave me the code to find the new values in the textbox, and you can do that by using this example (as posted by Robby):
Visual Basic:
dim txt as textbox = CType(e.Item.Cells(1).Controls(0), TextBox)
myNewSomething = CType(txt.Text, Integer)

or in a EditItemTemplate of a TemplateColumn

dim dd as dropdownlist = CType(e.Item.FindControl("myDropDown"), DropDownList)
myNEwSomwthing = CType(dd.SelectedItem.Value, Integer)

Then you can get the original values from the dataset that you used to fill the columns like this (you can do this in the update event and it will work just fine, as long as you have populated your dataset on the postback (which you will need to then NOT rebind the grid on the postback, or your textboxes will not have the updated data):
Visual Basic:
m_myOldVals(0) = m_myDS.Tables(0).Rows(e.Item.ItemIndex).Item("SomeField")
m_myOldVals(1) = m_myDS.Tables(0).Rows(e.Item.ItemIndex).Item("SomeOtherField")
m_myOldVals(4) = m_myDS.Tables(0).Rows(e.Item.ItemIndex).Item("YetAnotherField")

Then you can just compare and wherever the value has changed you can do the update!

Good Luck,
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