Which port must I open to let users have access to my database? (Please help)


Jul 11, 2003
Perugia - Italy
Hello everybody, I badly need your help. I have created an MDB database using Web Matrix and VB.NET and on my computer it works fine.

I have then uploaded my ASP.NET pages onto the server but when I try to save data I get an error message, despite all the protections have been removed from the .MDB file.

The server web master asked me to tell him which port ASP.NET files use, so he can open it.

He told me this port cannot be nr. 80 because it is already open.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.
If the MDB file is on the same server as the ASP.Net application then it wouldn't require any ports opening as it's just local file access.
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Did you upload the mdb as well?
Make another virtual directory on your production server and put the mdb in there. It's best not to have that file in the wwwroot directory where your site is residing. That way it's harder for someone to browse your directories and mess with your db.
Thank you very much indeed for your replies. The problem is now solved. It was only the web master who told me he had removed the protections from the .mdb file and he didn't. You are right when you say that port 80 is all I need to make my app work.

Thanks again.