Which one to publish


Dec 20, 2006
Hi all,
I just created a VB.NET project in VS.NET 2005.
It created 2 folders in the project folder named "bin" and "obj".
Each of these folders have 2 subfolders named "Debug" and "Release".
Now I want to know the files in which folder/subfolder should be published to my users?
The interesting fact is that my executable file in folder "Debug" is a little bit larger than the one in "Release" folder! :confused:
obj vs bin, Debug vs Release

The obj folder contains the files used to build the project, and the bin folder contains the output project files, plus any local dependencies. Therefore, the files you need to distribute lie in the bin folder.

Debug builds will be larger than Release builds because they contain extra metadata and debugging symbols used for debugging, plus a program debug database (PDB) file. These are usually left out of the Release build to give faster execution and smaller memory footprint. If distributing to clients, you probably want to use the Release build.

Good luck :)