Where to find deployment information


Junior Contributor
Sep 19, 2003
I have hit upon something I need to figure out, and normally I have a clue as to where to turn and look for references, but this one has me a bit stumped.

My situation is that I am looking to deploy an ASP.NET/C#.NET application on a web server that is in a DMZ. The application does need database access and the SQL server it would need to connect up with sits behind the protective boundaries of the DMZ.

Can someone suggest references or resources that I could read to learn how my application can be deployed in this environment and what things I would have to do to permit the application to converse with the SQL server?
I thought I would make a post to say not to bother answering this one at this time. I have found some information through discussing the matter with some folks of the network types and what I wanted to know can be done and in reality is more a question of network structure than anything else.