Where Did My mesh go?

Are you clearing the depth buffer when using device.Clear? That is the first step. The next step is in Device.Clear too, it is the third argument which specifies how much of the data from the depth buffer you want to show. You probably have it set at 0.0F which will show nothing. To show everything use 1.0F which is the max value.
I told you

mutant said:
Are you clearing the depth buffer when using device.Clear? That is the first step. The next step is in Device.Clear too, it is the third argument which specifies how much of the data from the depth buffer you want to show. You probably have it set at 0.0F which will show nothing. To show everything use 1.0F which is the max value.
I told you it was something stupid i was forgetting, Thank you though for your help, simple mistakes are often the hardest to spot, note that turning on the depth buffer has now distroyed text (See the link in the first post of this thread)