Whats wrong with this line of code


Oct 11, 2003
Can someone point out what is wrong with this subroutine
Private Sub cmdLaunchCPANEL_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdLaunchCPANEL.Click
End Sub
Thanks in advance
you need extra " marks and also you need & signs to seperate the url bits from the TextBox bits , eg:
Visual Basic:
System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("HTTP://""" & txtUSERNAME.Text & """:""" & txtPassword.Text & """@rawserve.com:2082")
thanks, its workign now, i just need to get the sidebar to dock to the left hand side of the screen now, you know how i can do that
Use the [api]SHAppBarMessage[/api] API to make your screen's real-estate decrease and put the form containing the XP Bar into the space.

AllAPI will tell you what to do.
i am confused, please explain how to do this in a more detailed manner, thanks in advance (i must sound realy thick, sorry for that, I am just trying to learn more advanced stuff bout .net while working on a open source project i have started up)

I have attached a working version of what i have so far, i hope posting this isnt against the forum rules, anyway this works so far i just need to get it docked on to the left hand side of the screen and i will then upload what i have so far to my open source site on sourceforge
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[edit]Binaries are not allowed in file attachments. No exceptions. Please upload either the source code or post a link where the files can be downloaded elsewhere.
(Derek Stone, October 12, 2003 13:20:00)[/edit]
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