What should I avoid to keep the .exe file a stand alone program?


Dec 7, 2003
Western North Carolina
Can you tell me what to avoid adding to the project to make sure that the .exe program file can run by it's self?

Will adding a module or class make additional files necessary to be present for operation. Or what all will be compiled into the .exe file. Program Icon, form background images, etc...

Thanks for reading my post

You will also need to ensure the Framework is installed on the target computer so a pure stand alone executable isn't really possible until the Framework is part of the standard OS.
Adding classes or modules will not require extra files to be shipped but setting references to other .Dlls will require those Dlls to be shipped as well.
Can you give me an example of how I will know when I am referencing other DLL's. Will using any components or controls in VB reference other DLL's

I did notice that Icons used for the program, or, Form BackGrounds pics, or pics within a pictureBox do not have to be shipped with the program.

But I’m not sure when I’m referencing a DLL. Can someone give me some insight on this…


If you have manually added any references to your project (Project menu - add reference or through the solution explorer) then those dlls will need to be shipped. If you have any third party controls in the toolbox then the relevent files (licensing permitting) will alos have to be deployed).