What is the Preparation to make uninstaller App ?


Jul 29, 2003
hi all

In fact this is important to gain this way

by include an Uninstaller in your App

so does anyone know how to make a logic exe file

that will hold the uninstaller script

and can do when ever call it

I hope it's clear Question :-\
u wanna make a uninstaller for the app?
yeah i know how to do it

it's basically calling the msiexec using a switch and providing u got the product ID code it's easy

can you please give me more details how to do it

if with example to download will be better

for newbie like me :-\
sorry been busy with exams

yeah sure... ill post one up in one second..


ok here's what u do

make a new form

change the properties etc.. .

so that it cant be seen

stick this on form load

            System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("msiexec", "/x {EE9FD9BA-BF54-4BF6-A21A-501DFB97524F}")


        End Try


the product ID
which is this ->> {EE9FD9BA-BF54-4BF6-A21A-501DFB97524F}")

is unique to the installer u make

so in ur setup and deployment solution

go to it's properties for the solution

u should be able to find the product ID

that's it
replace it and yeah :D
Hi Winston

Another Question related to uninstaller

I made a project called uninstaller

Then I write the code that you posted here

Then I added it to my main project

And place it into Application Folder

I made a shortcut and put it in folder

That reside in user Programs Menu

Well is this the Idea of Uninstaller ?

(it works perfectly) but :confused:

When I uninstall my Application

I need to replace product which is default To its name

How can I implement this ?

See the picture please


I am not sure it work but try to replace the product ID code with package file *.msi. It might be able to pull the product name out of this instead of the "this product" stuff.