What is Project::Subclass::NativeWindowsEvent and how to use it?


Feb 17, 2008
What is Project::Subclass::NativeWindowsEvent and how to use it?

I've got codes in old C++ syntax and I want to change it to the new one.

// ===================================================================

// NativeWindow Subclassing
// ===================================================================
ref class Subclass : public System::Windows::Forms::NativeWindow
delegate void WindowsEventHandler(Object ^sender, Message ^uMsg);
event WindowsEventHandler ^NativeWindowsEvent;

Subclass(IntPtr pWindowHandle)

void SendWndProc( System::Windows::Forms::Message ^uMsg )

protected: void WndProc( System::Windows::Forms::Message ^uMsg )
if ( Project::Subclass::NativeWindowsEvent != nullptr )
Project::Subclass::NativeWindowsEvent(this, uMsg);

When I compiled it, the error message was:

Error C3918: usage requires 'Project::Subclass::NativeWindowsEvent' to be a data member
see declaration of 'Project::Subclass::NativeWindowsEvent'

How to change it to the new C++ syntax?


What is "__super" in old C++ syntax converted to new C++ syntax?

Thank you very much.
C++ (managed or otherwise) isn't really my strong point, however I think the NativeWindowsEvent is a delegate of type
void xxxxx(ref Message Msg), other than that I'm struggling with the c++ syntax. Have you tried declaring a member of type NativeWindowsEvent?
Yes, I think I have to do like you said, "declaring a member of type NativeWindowsEvent". I guess it will fix the error. But I don't understand how to declare a member of type..
Can you help me, please?

This one is not a declaration?
event WindowsEventHandler ^NativeWindowsEvent;

Thank you very much..