What happened? (just curious)


Jan 18, 2004
Longview, TX [USA]
On Saturday, I was sitting at home banging out some code. I had just finished reading up on Session variables, and I was putting my newfound knowledge to work. I declared/added my session variables in the Global.asax file under the sub Session_Start routine. In my logon.aspx file, I set my login variable to True if the password matched the password stored in the list. If it was True, then the next page, database.aspx, would successfully load.

Then I started debugging and adding features to my database.aspx file. I populate my DataGrid with data from the database, and allow the person logged in to view/manipulate the data accordingly.

I'm debugging along, having a productive day, when on one of my debug attempts, I hit F5 to start the debugger but my IE browser simply never started. Sometimes it takes a while for the IIS to get rolling, so I went and had a cup of coffee. Came back, and it was still froze. The "Start (F5)" debug button in Visual Studio .NET had its Enabled set to false (non-clickable), yet the Pause Debugger (||) and Stop Debugger buttons had not shown up yet.

I tried to exit Visual Studio, but it was froze, too. Finally, I resorted to CTRL-ALT-DEL to force VS.NET to yield the computer back to me.

I restarted VS.NET, and tried to reload my project. This is when I got an error telling me that my web project could not be found or that it was invalid. (I had intended to give you the exact message, but it did not display for me this morning) My project was listed in the Solution Explorer window, but under it, there were no files. It said something like "project not found" or something to that extent.

I figured IIS had locked up or hung on something, so I shut down and restarted my laptop. Same problem, so I rebooted a second time. Same problem. This time, I dug around in the IIS settings long enough to figure out how to restart the IIS server (why can't they make that process easy?). I tried starting my project again, but it still gave me the same error message. Rebooted again (hey, this is Windows, right?), but experienced the same problems.

Today I came in to ask some help on the boards. I started VS.NET and clicked on my project in the recent files list so that I could write down the exact error message VS.NET has been giving me ... and the darned thing starts up! Why? I didn't do anything different this morning. How could I have gotten this silly thing to run for me over the weekend? I must admit that I don't understand everything that is going on with IIS and this whole .NET Framework. Was there something I could have adjusted or reset that would have allowed my weekend to be a little more productive?
You know what, I've had similar issue where when I hit debug and nothing happens. I have to close my app and reopen..

As for IIS and your project not found, again i had a similar issue and turned out IIS had dropped my app or something like that..

I havent found the answer to either situations either..