What does it take to create a collection for a DataGridView?


Senior Contributor
Jun 10, 2003
I have a datagridview and I have a collection of items that I'll call skills.

Each skill has a few properties: Name, Description, Type, etc.

I took the class "Skill" and made a datasource out of it and hooked it up to the DataGridView. The form created a BindingSource for Skill as well.

So I have a collection, a datasource for the item & a grid.

Is there a way to fill it up or connect the two? Is there a particular collection I should be using; or a particular interface the collection should be exposing?
Denaes said:
I have a datagridview and I have a collection of items that I'll call skills.

Each skill has a few properties: Name, Description, Type, etc.

I took the class "Skill" and made a datasource out of it and hooked it up to the DataGridView. The form created a BindingSource for Skill as well.

So I have a collection, a datasource for the item & a grid.

Is there a way to fill it up or connect the two? Is there a particular collection I should be using; or a particular interface the collection should be exposing?
Take a look at the BindingList generic