what are the best asp.net design environments?


May 3, 2004
Hey all,

I've been doing a bit of asp.net stuff lately, and am looking for whatever program will make this easier and more intuitive for me. I've been using macromedia dreamweaver mx. It's nice, but it doesn't seem to know/understand the asp.net controls completely. the design view won't display text fields and such, although the code view does display pop up menus while I am typing out the code.

I took a look at visual studio.net 2003 today, but it doesn't seem to have much for asp.net? I can create a new asp file, but it doesn't make an asp.net file by default. I could definitely be missing something, I only glanced for 2 minutes

Anyway so mainly what I'm looking for is a good design environment, similar to dreamweaver in that I can switch from a graphical view to a code view when needed, and with the asp.net controls visible in the graphical view, etc etc

a big thing I'd like to get away from here is having to search the internet for the proper syntax for a control, every time I want to add one to a form, etc. I'd like drag/drop capabilities where I can modify the properties and all..

thanks in advance :)
There is nothing out there that can compare to Visual Studio .NET 2003, it will create an ASP.NET page for you by default - if you select "ASP.NET Web Application" from the New Project list.
ah cool see that's what I was missing

I'm having a problem doing that though, it keeps giving me this message:

"VS.Net cannot create or open the application because no web server was detected at this URL: http://localhost/WebService1. Make sure the web server is installed and running"

I don't have IIS on my machine because I'm not running a web server here, my company has a remote dedicated server (IIS)... do you know what I should do?
Well... get your CD of Win2k and install IIS.

and then look to run : aspnet_regiss.exe -i (which will install ASP.NET on your IIS).
so having IIS installed locally is required in order to program in asp.net? that's a surprise.. there's no way around this?
It was a design 'mistake' in VS.net 2002 and 2003, at the last DevDays they announced that they are fixing it in the next version (VS.net 2005), (There was much cheering at that annoucement).

Until then we have to live with it...
wow that's a huge bummer. I mean not a big problem to install it, but I hate having unnecessary stuff on my machine. but, this is my work computer, so who cares! lol

how much space / bloat does IIS contribute to my system? does it have to be running on startup all the time, etc etc? my machine is slow enough as it is..

edit: by the way, is it included in the VS.Net install CDs, or will I have to hunt down my Win2000 CD?
IIS isn't too bad compared to other things, it does have to run all the time, but its pretty easy to start and stop.
I wish Dreamweaver could interpret everything correctly. I do all my asp.net in vb but it is really poor for formatting pages (so ive found). It doesn't seem to support html tables very weel so I cant make everything expand and contract with a page resize :(.
can I install IIS from my VS.Net installation CD's, or do I have to go crazy looking for my win2000 CD?
cool thanks, have to wait for our pres to get back, all the software is locked up in his closet. looking forward to testing this out though
Mike521 said:
cool thanks, have to wait for our pres to get back, all the software is locked up in his closet. looking forward to testing this out though
you may not need your WIN2K cd, depending on how the OS was installed. Try doing it without, I remember I didn't need it because all the files were already on my PC. If it asks for your CD just click cancel and wait until your pres comes back to get the CD.