webbrowser / done loading event


Junior Contributor
Sep 26, 2003
Audubon, Nj
I'm using a webbrowser object to scan the entire text on a range of website's for specific keywords (from a list of items in a listbox).

I use "webbrowser1.document.innertext" as the text to scan.

I'm having trouble figuring out what event is called when the page is OFFICIALLY done loading. There is a downloadComplete event, and a documentComplete event... I'm a little lost.

My question is:

What event should I be using, to signal that the webbrowser.navigate("url") process is completely done loading?
Very Simple d00d:

Visual Basic:
WebBrowser1.Navigate "YourHtmlOrAddress"
Do While WebBrowser1.Busy = True
MsgBox WebBrowser1.Document.body.innerText
This information is helpful. I wish you were around 1 month ago when I originally posted, I've since found a solution.

I'm finding the help for webrowser object pretty limited in msdn for some reason.

This function is still helpful in the future though, thanks.
if you put your code like this ....
Visual Basic:
'/// if Option Strict is set to On , you will get an error.
if Option Strict is set to On , you will get an error.
this is because you are trying to use " Late Binding "