Web Services


Oct 1, 2003
Hiya all,

Been looking into Web Services abit. My system has a Web service that is running on a server and the client machines are able to use the service with no problem.

My problem however is that I would like to dynamically change the web reference on the client application. This is because when you add the Web Reference while coding the client you write in the static address to the Web Service. I would hate to recompile the client code everytime the service changes location and then export the client App to all the PCs its been installed to.

Basically, is there a way of, for example, to extract the Web service address from a SQL-DB/File/Entry and then connect to that service?

Best Wishes,
If you select the web reference in Solution Explorer and look at the property window there should be an option 'URL Behaviour' (or similar) - change that from static to dynamic and it will move the url to the .config file.
PlausiblyDamp said:
If you select the web reference in Solution Explorer and look at the property window there should be an option 'URL Behaviour' (or similar) - change that from static to dynamic and it will move the url to the .config file.

Does this mean I'll have to change every app.config file on every PC the software is installed? I cant find any property where I can change the value in the app.config file. :(

Best Wishes,
You could investigate UDDI ,www.microsoft.com/uddi being a good place to start. Window Server 2003 ships with a UDDI service that may make your life easier.

In theory :) the clients would be coded to query the UDDI server for the location of the web service - if the service moves then the UDDI server would be updated. As long as the UDDI server's URL doesn't change then things should be reasonably simple.