Web Services

Nate Bross

Apr 6, 2005
Chicago, IL
I have created a web service with a couple methods. It is working OK.

I have two applications that consume the web service, this is also working OK.

The trouble I am having is that if I update the web service. Say add a new method -- not even a new web method, just a method for use inside the web service.

The applications that consume the web service need the "Update Web Reference" in Visual Studio ran, and then rebuilt and deployed.

Is there a way that I can update my web service without being required to rebuild my consumeing applications?

Happy New Year,
Thanks in Advance
How would the client applications even know how to call the new method(s) unless they are recompiled against an updated version of the WSDL?

If the method in question isn't consumed directly by a client but is only there for the web service itself then it probably doesn't need to be a web method and there certainly shouldn't be any need for the client to be recompiled.
That's exactly what I thought; however, the new methods are only used by the web service internally and aren't marked with
I must have changed something else without noticing.
