Web Service Returning Entire .net page with functionality! HELP!


Oct 14, 2004
I've got a problem with a project. I've got to compile an entire .net page and return it as part of a Web Service for display. The problem I have is that I need to add WebControls and functionality to the page so that not only the html content and images are displayed (which I've managed) but that textboxes, labels, buttons and datasets can be displayed also. Essentially I need to make a call from one site for a page, populate the page and return it in a state as though it resided on the same server/webspace as the calling page. Code is currently built as follows into a string:

strOpenHTML &= "<table width=""98%"" height=""98%"" border=""0"" align=""center"" cellpadding=""0"" cellspacing=""0"">"
strOpenHTML &= " <tr>"
strOpenHTML &= " <td align=""center"" valign=""middle"">"
strOpenHTML &= " <table width=""740"" height=""400"" border=""0"" cellpadding=""0"" cellspacing=""0"" bgcolor=""#CCFFFF"" style=""border:1px #000000 solid;"">"
strOpenHTML &= " <tr>"


I've tried to declare an html form tag and adding it as a control:
Dim frmForm As HTMLForm
frmForm.ID = "myForm"

but I'm not having any joy. At the moment it works with static content or with variables entered in and the data is returned as a string and then displayed by inheriting Page with CreateChildNodes subroutine. But I can't get the class/function to return and display buttons and text boxes that work. I'm told it is possible to do as the service is just calling a class but I dont see how? Any ideas?

Cheers in advance
