Web Service Deployment - Runtime Errors


Dec 9, 2003
Hopefully someone here can help me out, as MSDN wasn't a big help and I'm really getting frustrated.

Just started playing with Web services in C#, have VS.NET installed on my box running WinXP Pro with IIS. Locally, everything's great. But since the purpose of a Web service is to have on the Web, I tried to put it on my remote server.

No such luck. Here's a detailed account of what I've tried:

- Created the Microsoft-built HelloWorld Web service in C#.
- Built it, which gave me a .dll
- Tried putting the Service1.asmx on my server and going to it with the browser. Runtime error.
- Tried using the .dll itself. 500 error.
- Tried including the .cs file in the same directory as the .asmx file. Runtime error.
- Copied the entire folder (since it worked fine locally) to the server, tried to execute each file. Runtime error or 500 on each one.
- Tried MSDN's solution of copy project. Runtime error.
- Built an .msi file and a .exe file. Put them on the server. Ran them. They installed to my local machine, not the server.

The most aggravating part is ASP.NET won't tell me what the runtime error is. It says I have to change the customerrors tag in the Web.config file to Off (which I've done, and still get the same message) so I have no way of knowing exactly what's going on.

I know Web Services in C# work on my server because I hard-coded a very basic one in Notepad. It ran without a hitch and all I needed was the .asmx file (since that's all there was).

If anyone could provide any help on me fixing this, I'd be very appreciative. I've spent 2 solid days trying to figure this out, and I'm spent. Even sending a Web service you know works remotely and letting me give it a go would be something.
The server will require the .asmx files, the web.config and the bin directory with the dll error in it.
Also the folder the web service resides in needs to be configured as a virtual directory under IIS.
The server will also require the .Net framework installed on it.
PlausiblyDamp said:
1) The server will require the .asmx files, the web.config and the bin directory with the dll error in it.
2) Also the folder the web service resides in needs to be configured as a virtual directory under IIS.
3) The server will also require the .Net framework installed on it.

I'm connecting to my remote via WS_FTP. I've tried #1 and I know #3 is good b/c I've had one work there before (the Notepad-coded one). How would I go about configuring a directory in IIS on the remote server?

UPDATE: For the hell of it, I tried copying the code from the .asmx.cx file into the .asmx file and removing the CodeBehind attribute from the directive (all using Notepad). Now it works fine. However, not only does that seem like a really stupid way to fix the problem, it also won't be an option when I want to use my classes. At least I know the problem is somewhere between the .asmx and the .asmx.cs files...or at least, I think I do. :-\
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