Web Service 2005


Jan 8, 2007
New to web services in 2005. I compiled my web service to my site and the .asmx file I believe isn't linked properly since It's compiled and that info is in the bin folder. This is what the .asmx file looks like

Visual Basic:
<%@ WebService Language="VB" CodeBehind="~/App_Code/myservice.vb" Class="myservice" %>

I'm guessing some compiler options are wrong. Since this file is pointing to an app_code folder which it doesn't even add. I set up a virtual directory so I am sure that is all right. Any suggestions to fix that to link it to the right place? I don't know how they link it to the .dll's
asmx do not change

The asmx file does not change during compilation, and therefore retains the reference to App_Code (which presumably existed in the source project). If the deployed web service is not working there must be another reason.

Good luck :cool:
I also turned off windows authentication and used impersonating identitys to interact with it. But it says could not create type service.
Well, yeah. When I build it there its not compiled. I thought when it was compiled it was all one self contained unit. I also have it in a namespace guess I'm confused on how they did this.
Visual Basic:
.Net 2 changed the workings of web applications in regards to compilation and publishing, the differences can really catch you out.

If you prefer the VS 2003 way of doing things then SP1 for VS 2005 brings back the project based way of doing things as an option.
It seems pretty weird and I am suspecting it's some bug in 2005. The other files and rest of the web pages compiled fine. I seen how they linked up and what this does is something completely different. Do you have any link that shows the difference between 2003 and 2005 web services?
Well, if anyone knows the correct way to compile it let me know.I just want ahead and put it in there as uncompiled and it works that way.Which is fine. I can use that while I'm debugging the windows application. Thanks.
What did you do? Give up on compiling and just put the source in there? Thats what I did. It works just really wanted it to compile.
VS 2005 changed the deployment model for web applications - if you prefer the old style project based way then have a look at service pack 1 as this re-introduces the project based way of doing things.