Way New.. reference base class Help???


Feb 16, 2005
Please help if possible... I'm looking at my first asp.net with c# application.
When I click on any of the .aspx pages i get the following error. Could anyone please help explain it or atleast point me in the right direction. I googled it but didn't come up with anything.


The file could not be loaded into the Web Forms designer. Please correct the following error and then try loading it again:
The designer could not be shown for this file because none of the classes within it can be designed.  The designer inspected the following
classes in the file:

ListRequests=== The base class 'COS.ETes.Ins.Web.InsPage' could not be loaded. Ensure the assembel has been referenced or builet if it is part of 
the project.

Make sure all of the classes used in the page are built or referenced in the project.
If you are registering the assembly in the .aspx page, then you need to make sure the assembly is referenced in the project, just as the error says. Make sure in your References, you have 'COS.ETes.Ins.Web.InsPage'