VS2003 Service Pack 1 due out Aug 15!


Senior Contributor
Oct 30, 2003
I just noticed that the first service pack for VS2003 will be released in just a few days!


This is quite long overdue in my opinion. It's also good to see a service pack for VS2005 is due to be released this fall as well. And with IE7 just around the corner..whew! Exciting events coming up if you're into that kind of stuff.

Did anyone here participate in Beta tests for either service pack?
I hope with the VS2005 SP, they make it so that VB's Edit & Continue actually works.

On all the machines we have running VS 2005 Pro (5 of them) at a point in our project we were getting 100's of errors a day. Something would happen and throw like 40 errors, then require everyone else to exit Visual Studio while a utility was run on VSS.

This would happen on each machine about once every 2 hours. We found some online documentation linking it to a glitch in Edit & Continue. Disabled and went from VS crashing 2-8 times a day to maybe once every 2-4 weeks.

It would be nice if they fixed the way VS checks out files. MS admits there is a bug when VSS checks out files for you that you don't need to edit, but they say it's not that big of a bug and most likely won't be fixed in this version.

But it's good to hear that a SP will be out a year after release rather than 4 years after release.