VS .NET....Building the release


Nov 13, 2002
hehe im kinda like a programming n00b and i have run into a lil problem that im sure it simple but i don't know how to do it. I made a little program in Visual Studio .NET using VB .NET....and like I finished it...but when I don't know how to build the release version. I see the Build Configuration thing but like i build the program and when i go to the obj folder and run the exe it gives me an error message. The reason i am getting it is because i use Microsoft Internet Transfer Control....and the files that it uses (AxInetrop.Inet...blah blah and another file) have to be in the same folder with the exe. Isn't it possible to build the exe without requiring those 2 files? Because I don't really feel like sending an app around with 2 weird named dlls along.

You can change the build configuration you are using on the VS.NET toolbar, next to the start button. There should be two by default, Debug and Release. Both get built to the same location, the bin folder in your project directory.

Your problem with the inet control may be harder to solve. You shouldn't technically be using this activex control from .net, you don't get a license to use it. You only have it because you have a visual studio 6 product installed. There is no way of building it in to your program, you must include the .ocx and the interop wrappers generated for it in your setup, and register the ocx too.