Visual Studio .NET - HTML auto format


Senior Contributor
Sep 10, 2002
Visual Studio .NET will auto formatting my HTML code, even I had disabled it in "Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> HTML/XML -> Format" portion, but it still auto format my HTML code. Any other ideas?
what do you do? I think you should be as detailed as possible and post the problem @ microsoft.public.vsnet.ide Hopefully a ms engineer will follow up on it.
Last time I play newsgroup with Netscape, may I know what other way I can use that newsgroup? "microsoft.public.vsnet.ide"...
THis is unfortunetly a known issue with Visual Studio .NET, the next version will have it fixed apparently, until then we have to live with it.
samsmithnz said:
THis is unfortunetly a known issue with Visual Studio .NET, the next version will have it fixed apparently, until then we have to live with it.

Oh! I see... thank you very much!
samsmithnz said:
THis is unfortunetly a known issue with Visual Studio .NET, the next version will have it fixed apparently, until then we have to live with it.
That wasn't fixed with the latest SP... fricken M$!