Visual Studio is so slow.


Junior Contributor
Feb 17, 2003
I'm frustrated at how slow Visual Studio is. I have a programme which is not that complicated (less than 1MB when compiled) yet Visual Studio always seems to hang when I activate it and leave me waiting for a minute or more with "Not responding" in the title bar.

Is there anything I should be doing about this? I'm using VS 2005 on Windows 7. Maybe I need to get a newer version of VS.
Visual Studio can certainly be a bit of a resource hog and the performance can really suffer depending on the hardware you are running on.

I must admit that I haven't noticed too many issues on the more recent versions though, plus 2010 and later get a lot of nice features as well.
Thanks, yes I've upgraded to 2013 and it was fairly pain free. Does seem a lot faster so far.
Hmm, on second thoughts it's still slow. Quite often I click on something and just get the wait cursor. It can take a minute before it comes round. Maybe I should try to reduce the number of tabs I have open (although only about eight typically). Or maybe my project is a bit heavy for it, although at 10,000 lines it wouldn't seem exceptional.
Nope, nothing to do with my project. It's when I activate the VS window that there are problems, even if I have no project open. I just activated the window, clicked on the File menu item, and got the wait cursor for a good minute before the contents of the File menu appeared. Very frustrating.