Visual Studio 2008 upgrade on PC with Visual Studio 2003


Jul 3, 2008

I have Visual Studio 2003, Framework 1.1 installed on my PC with several applications developed on this platform. Recently I had installed the trial version of Visual Studio 2008, Framework 3.5 and I want to upgrade this trial version to standard edition. At the same time, I dont want that I stop maintenance of my applications on VS 2003. My question is that if I purchase the upgrade for VS 2008, Framework 3.5 and install it on my pc, will I able to continue using the VS 2003 too. Ultimately, I will "transfer" my VS 2003 applications to VS 2008, but that will take some time. Until then I want to be able to continue development on both versions simultaneously.

Does anybody have an answer to this question?
Thanks for putting my doubts at rest. I was concerned about providing support for my existing applications on dotNET framework 1.1.