Visual Studio 2005 upgrade


Junior Contributor
May 2, 2002
I have recently upgraded a Visual Basic 2003 application to 2005, with minimal issues. However one issue occured that I cannot seem to resolve. I was using a dll produced by fytek called PDFMeld. I use it to fax out multiple selected pdf documents. In 2005 it is throwing an error, right when I dim instaniate it. "Dim x as new pdfmeld" this throws an unexpected error. It works in 2003 but it is not working in 2005. I'm not sure why this is occuring. Any suggestions or work arounds would be greatly appreciated.
lothos12345 said:
I have recently upgraded a Visual Basic 2003 application to 2005, with minimal issues. However one issue occured that I cannot seem to resolve. I was using a dll produced by fytek called PDFMeld. I use it to fax out multiple selected pdf documents. In 2005 it is throwing an error, right when I dim instaniate it. "Dim x as new pdfmeld" this throws an unexpected error. It works in 2003 but it is not working in 2005. I'm not sure why this is occuring. Any suggestions or work arounds would be greatly appreciated.

There might be some issues compatibility issues between .NET 2.0 and 1.1
Could you post here the exception type, message and the stack trace you for the error you've encountered.
Upgrade to 2005

Thanks, but I figured it out I was missing a dll and did not notice. I guess during the conversion it dropped the particuliar dll I needed. I added it again and the application began to work correctly.