Visual Source safe


Mar 8, 2004
I have a new job and there's no VSS for source control here.

My manager asked me this:
"Could we use the source control with non .NET code?"

They use IBM/AS400 and code in a language that's similar to VB6.

I know .txt and other files besides .net code can be kept in VSS but how about non-microsoft code?
"Microsoft Visual SourceSafe is an extremely flexible tool capable of managing virtually any type of file produced by any development, productivity, or authoring tool." -- Source Safe FAQ

You should be able to keep anything in VSS, though how it is stored/versioned will be different depending on the type of file it is (binary vs. ASCII). Text is text no matter what it contains.

If you have an opportunity to drop VSS, you might want to consider CVS or Subversion.