Vista Error Reporting


Mar 10, 2008
I don't have Vista installed, but have a question about its error reporting.
When my .NET application crashes, Vista shows error reporting dialog, can my users just copy and paste its technical data and send to my instead of sending it to Microsoft? If yes, how? I mean where in the dialog allows them to copy data?
And a side question is that my application works great on all Vista machines, but except just one, it just encounter error reporting and says that application has been shutdown, it won't work on that machine although .net frame work is installed, I cannot find where's the problem! :confused:
Are there specific error messages (from the reporting in Vista) that you could post?

Is it possible that you have a different version of .NET on this Vista machine?

If you target 3.5 Framework and only have 2.0 installed your application may load and fail to initialzie some 3.5 libraries -- thus causing a crash.

You might put a Try/Catch in your application load and log the error to a text file.
