

Sep 17, 2003
I'm trying to build some camera routines that dont use Matrix.LookAtLH for setting the view matrix.

However I am having problems with the math required to take a position (vector3) and an orientation (roll, pitch, yaw or possibly a quat) and turn it into a view matrix.

I cant quite seem to make it work.
Why wouldn't you want to use LookAtLH? Just to learn the math yourself, or...?

I can't help you with the math part but I'm sure there are plenty of 3D math tutorial sites on the web, especially those setup to help do common matrix math like setting up view matrices.

Because I dont know what I'm looking at.

And in a first person perspective, it seems like it would be more efficient to mirror the settings of the object I am 'following' rather then trying to calculate a point I'm looking at.
If you know how matrix multiplication works (which any intro. linear algebra book should explain) you can combine that knowledge with the Matrix section of the DX SDK docs to figure out how to create your own transformation matrices.