Viewing a single procedure.


Junior Contributor
Feb 17, 2003
In VB 6 you could toggle between viewing a single procedure in a module and viewing the whole module. In .net 2005, you have the option to close down any number of procedures so that just their first lines show by clicking on the little minus signs shown against them. But there doesn't seem to be any way to just view one procedure, which I find a shame. Or is there something I'm missing?
Check out the right click context menu. If it's not there, you probably can't do it. (I don't have VS with me to check it out for you but I do know there are several menu items there that might be of help)
mskeel said:
Check out the right click context menu. If it's not there, you probably can't do it. (I don't have VS with me to check it out for you but I do know there are several menu items there that might be of help)
The only candidates seem to be submenus of the Outlining item:

1. "Toggle Outlining Expansion" - toggles a procedure between showing it all and just showing its first line.
2. "Toggle All Outlining" - does as above for all procedures.
3. "Stop Outlining"/ "Start Automatic Outlining" hides or shows the +/- symbols that allow procedures to be shrunk or opened.
4. "Collapse to Definitions" - The same as 2, but only hides procedures, doesn't show them.

So it seems this can't be done. I always found it really useful to be able to view just one procedure in VB6, and would have preferred it if that facility had been retained, rather than introducing all this "outlining", which I find a bit messy. Maybe I'll get used to it.
After a brief search on google I found several blog / forum posts of people complaining this feature isn't implemented. As such I find it likely the feature isn't supported (since nobody ever told them where to find it).
Cags said:
After a brief search on google I found several blog / forum posts of people complaining this feature isn't implemented. As such I find it likely the feature isn't supported (since nobody ever told them where to find it).
Thanks. I feel they have a valid complaint.