[VC#]http download...


Apr 7, 2004
hello, i need a little help, i must to make a web form for download a file, but with winsock, like dataarrival in VB6, some one can help me, with a little of code??? so i can do it..
i cant figure out how to make it...

thanks to all...
A web form using winsock??? If the form is online, you don't need to use winsock. Which is it, online or networked?
i want to make a download accelerator, but with an Web interface, so im doing the part of the file download, and its pretty hard...

i want to perform the download with sockets so i can pause the download and resume when i want it....

So you will download the file to a web server? and then download it from there to the client?
Really don't think a web solution is the best choice for a download manager; if they pause it what will happen if the session times out? What will happen if the file takes longer than the default 20 minute session time out to download to the server. How will you display progress to the client that the download is working?
hmmm... i have a IIS runing at home, so i want remotely put files so they download at home, the interface for display the progres will be with web, javascript... i guess this will work fine, but i dont know how to make this...
i have seen in VB 6, its more easy with the dataarrival, but here i havent this event... and its a little difficult to me...

so someone can help me??? thanks