

Jun 2, 2003
Florida west coast
As you can tell...username is LostIn Space and classified as a newcomer...I'm in my 2nd week...what did you expect?
I am trying to get a multiline propertied textbox to display the equation (entered by the user) and the answer to the equation. I then want to drop down a line in the text box and enter the next equation and answer. I have gotten to where I can display the result of the equation using Me.SumTbox.text = Val(TBox1.text) + Val(TBox2.text)...AND I can display the equation with Me.SumTextBox.Text() = TBox1.Text + " + " + TBox2.Text + " = "...BUT I can't append the later statement to the first (error)...and can't get the line drop for the next entry.

Set the Multiline property of the textbox to True to allow for
multi-line characters to be displayed correctly.

As for your concatenation, it looks like you have two different
names for the same textbox: SumTBox and SumTextBox. Which
is it?

Also, use the & operator for concatenating strings together, and
keep the + operator for adding numbers; it's a better practice.
Thanks Sysop, but what about displaying the answer along with the equation?
In my amatuerish way, I thought I could just append the code that got the answer for me to the other part I posted which displayed the user supplied operands for the equation. NOT!

Cheers in the UK
You guys are too good. I had several more replies before I could get my reply to Sysop. I think I have found a home to grow into VB and start supplying answers myself in a day or two. HA!

Bucky, it was a copy/paste mistake...The text boxes were named the same in code but I tried to shorten for the post and messed up.