I have a problem, I have a sprite that blits over a BG but it flickers. I have a Backbuffer, BackGround Buffer, Sprite Buffer, and a Primary Surface. This is The order in which I blit them
ReturN = BackBuffer.Blt(rBackBuffer, BGbuffer, rBGbuffer, DDBLT_DONOTWAIT)
ReturN = BackBuffer.BltFast(CurrentX, CurrentY, Sprite.Sprite, Sprite.rSprite, DDBLTFAST_SRCCOLORKEY)
ReturN = Primary.Blt(rPrimary, BackBuffer, rBackBuffer, DDBLT_WAIT)
I think the problem is how I blit the Background to the Backbuffer. I tried using bltfast but the Sprite left himself on the background! And Do you think I should Flip instead of blt'ing the backbuffer to the Primay surface? Please Help. Thank You.
ReturN = BackBuffer.Blt(rBackBuffer, BGbuffer, rBGbuffer, DDBLT_DONOTWAIT)
ReturN = BackBuffer.BltFast(CurrentX, CurrentY, Sprite.Sprite, Sprite.rSprite, DDBLTFAST_SRCCOLORKEY)
ReturN = Primary.Blt(rPrimary, BackBuffer, rBackBuffer, DDBLT_WAIT)
I think the problem is how I blit the Background to the Backbuffer. I tried using bltfast but the Sprite left himself on the background! And Do you think I should Flip instead of blt'ing the backbuffer to the Primay surface? Please Help. Thank You.