vb.net drop down data is not showing


May 22, 2003
Saybrook, IL
I've done some searching but can't find a refference to fix this. I have a drop down box that has data in it, but it is not displaying, if i click on where the values should be, it is getting the value, everything is wired and working, i just can't see the value that is suppose to display. I remember seeing it a while back, that there is a patch or something... but can't find where that is.. can anyone help
What version of VB are you using? How did you create the combo box and where did the data come from? Is there any other relevant code that you should maybe post? What is the DropDownStyle property set to? Which properties have you changed?
marble_eater said:
What version of VB are you using? How did you create the combo box and where did the data come from? Is there any other relevant code that you should maybe post? What is the DropDownStyle property set to? Which properties have you changed?

It's VS 2003. If memory serves it has something to do with Crystal... but can't remember for sure. There was a dll you had to download that replaced the old one.. and that fixed the problem. I just can't remember where i put that dll at.