(VB .net) DirectX integration not working...


Feb 5, 2005
I've been programming in visual basic 6 for years and integrated directx into it for gamming. VB .net being a whole different animal has gotten me stuck in certain respects. Namely the whole darn integration part! I've downloaded and installed the DX SDK with DX 9.0c and still the functions directly pertaining to directX programming aren't available... (manager.***, adapter.***, device creation and declaring dx9 variables). I've opened up some source code for testing but even with their imports declarations the dxlib still isn't found!

If anyone can help me in this matter I'd be supremely thankfull.
Do you have vs.net 2002? Try the following:
1) Go to the directory where you extracted the SDK Setup files, and then go to: Developer Runtimes | Managed DirectX | Debug (or retail if you want) | and run the short setup file there

2) Open Regedit(Start | run | "Regedit")
Navigate to

Right clikc the "AssemblyFolders" Icon and select New | Key
name it DirectXAssemblies

3) go to the DirectXAssemblies folder and double click the key in there which says "(default)"
and type in the path to your DLLs:
C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Managed DirectX\v9.02.2904
be sure that this path exists.. my friend had 9.02.2902 for some reason

This made the summer update work for me.

"I thought I remember seeing these instructions elsewhere?"
Eh? I just pasted it from this thread.

Now go back and check whether the References show up or not (they should).
If that doesn't work,
when you go to add your references, go do it manually (Browse...). They should be in:
C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Managed DirectX\<Latest Version>

-The Pentium Guy
Just be sure to tell us what version of .NET you have, that might help a bit, and what version of 9.0c you have (They just released a new 9.0c called the 'december update').
