Validator Problem after SP1 install


Jun 2, 2003
Phoenix, AZ
Anybody having a problem with validators after installing SP1?

I seem to be having this problem or something like it - which is supposed to be something that SP1 fixes and is something I didn't have a problem with BEFORE I installed SP1.

What happens is that that some pages using validators are now hosed - the validators don't work properly and my submit buttons don't work at all.

I'm hesitant to try the fix in the link above since it's old news and something the SP is supposed to fix, not break!

Advice? Linkage?

Check if indeed you still have the file WebUIValidation.js in your wwwroot\aspnet_client\system_web\<version>\

If you do have this file in tact then I would run the fix.
It seems that someone installed SP1 on my box and I have the same problem as you Paul, what is the fix?

The article says that there's a link to a download but I don't see it.
I found a fix...

Un-install Framework 1.1, this will remove SP1, then re-install FrameWork 1.1 and things should work as expected. And DO NOT re-install the SP.
Robby said:
I found a fix...

Un-install Framework 1.1, this will remove SP1, then re-install FrameWork 1.1 and things should work as expected. And DO NOT re-install the SP.

Thanks for the replies and sorry I didn't respond earlier - things have been hectic at work and I've been moving (house) lately.

I ended up following the same path you did - and ended up with the same solution after not finding anything better. I removed and reinstalled Framework 1.1 sans service pack, then heaved a big sigh, ranted about hours wasted, and carried on as if it never happened. :)

My IT guy called MS regarding this issue because the same thing happened yesterday to our Beta server, they said that simply changing the read-only property of the JS files (WebUIValidation.js, SmartNav.js) would do the trick, I find this hard to believe. If I have time I'll test it out.
Switching the read-only on that file didn't work for me. But the reinstall did.
Only about 3 hours wasted on that one.