I need some help in VB.NET regarding the WInsock Control. What happens is that I am making a very advanced messenger in VB6/C++ but then I decided to go to VB.NET but I have a problem with the winsock controll. I can make a client and a server and establish a connection but when I transmit data it executes the Winsock1_DataArrival event in the server but when i put "Winsock1.GetData (data)" it does nothing, it simply stops running the code as if nothing happened. I tryed alot of things, I tryed changing the Variable "Data" type string to type object and when I output it to a messagebox it saya "System.Byte[]". I would really apreciate some reply so that I can continue this messenger. On the meantime I am going to be searching around the Web seeking for answers.
You can contact me at jcvilla@coqui.net or g5trooper@coqui.net.
You can contact me at jcvilla@coqui.net or g5trooper@coqui.net.